Palmyra Pawprints - Newsletter

DUE TO THE COVID19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC WE HAVE A NEW PROTOCOL :. As of Sunday 4/15/2020 we plan on remaining open for all appointments and have no plans to close down.However we will be treating patients as drop off appointments. When you arrive for a scheduled appointment call us and we will come out to your car to admit your pet. We ask that you allow us to use our leash to transport your pet into the hospital. Owners will remain in their car until we call with our results and treatment . WE are accepting payments for services over the phone . WE will return your pet to you with a discharge summary and any medications prescribed. This protocol minimizes traffic inside our hospital and helps keep us and you safer.If you need any medications refilled please call us to order what you need ahead of time and we will fill it and and accept payment and then place your medicine out front in our grey pick up bin for you. 

In order to do our part to alleviate the spread of covid19 we will be wearing gloves and masks as part of our duty to help in this health crisis During this stressful time we are overloaded with emergency cases and we ask for your patience and understanding if we are running behind schedule. We do our level best to get your pet treated efficiently. . Stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your understanding with the new protocol .


Dr. Nealey AND STAFF